Welcome to Southport Hypnosis
RPT (rapid progress therapies) is a program designed to give you rapid relief from your anxiety and stress and help you cope better with your busy life. This program uses a mixture of hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and other powerful techniques I use to create a tailor-made package for your particular issues.'RAPID POSITIVE PROGRESS' is possible for you too. Issues may be resolved far more quickly than more conventional talk therapies like Counselling or CBT for example. Try it and see for yourself. So many times clients come to me and say " You are my last hope.I have tried everything else." So why suffer any longer? Take control. Be like them and try RPT for yourself. Call me now for more information or to book an appointment and start the journey of transforming your life for the better. call Jeff on 07801351427

Jeff Lloyd DHP Acc SRT PLT EFT Expert in Anxiety issues
Author of "The Sat Nav Guide To Your Soul"
"Wherever you are.....You are here now!"
"The ultimate Guided Relaxations"
Available on Amazon
Call Jeff Now 07801351427
Imagine what it would be like to be 'free' from anxiety issues you may have struggled with for years. I, like so many, have been through various anxious and stressful times including getting divorced, moving house, losing my job and financial problems. I still recall those times in my life vividly, feeling my heart thumping so hard I thought it was going to burst through my chest and my mind so full of worries I thought my head was going to explode. Are you experiencing similar symptoms because of all your stress and anxiety? Are you worried about your job, family or partner? Or are you struggling with health issues, perhaps from weight gain or smoking for example? You may feel as though you are stuck and there is no way forward. That is precisely how I felt until I took the plunge and decided to try hypnotherapy to treat my issues. After just a few sessions I was able to completely transform my life for the better. In fact, the positive change was so life-changing that it inspired me to train to become a Hypnotherapist, specialising in treating anxiety and stress. You too can experience that freedom using RAPID PROGRESS THERAPIES
"Before I saw Jeff I was terrified of flying now after just a few sessions of RPT I've been able to fly and see my daughter in Australia".. Raymond Hughes
"I tried everything to stop smoking, patches, will power, Champix, E-cigs, but after just one session of RPT with Jeff I stopped for good".. George Daley
" Before I had a few sessions of RPT I used to suffer panic attacks but now I feel more in control of my life".. Jean Saunders
"I felt like a prisoner in my own home I was so scared of birds. I hated going to the seaside, train stations AND even the local shopping centre, in fact anywhere birds congregated. Now thanks to Jeff and RPT I'm free to go anywhere I like without fear or anxiety".....Carol Simms
"Thanks, Jeff I never thought I'd do it but thanks to your 1-hour RPT Stop Smoking Session not only did I quit for good but it was so easy!".....Darren
"I always felt, Anxious and self-conscious about the way I looked. I was always "yo-yo" dieting, losing weight then putting it back on again. I am now in control of my weight and am confident not only in the way I look but also confident in myself.". Sandra Dickson
🚭 5 weeks 🚭 😁 n the smell still makes me gag or actually throw up its amazing 😁
Gemma came for a stop smoking session
Stop Smoking!
Panic Attacks!
Weight Loss!
Just a few of the many issues that can be resolved effectively and quickly Using Rapid Progress Therapies
"HIGHLY RECOMMEND! My sessions with Jeff have helped me more than I ever could have hoped for. I learnt some very useful tools to aid with unhelpful mind patterns I'd gotten myself into. Since practising the techniques I've noticed some real changes and on a personal note I have come to realise how life is full of so many wonderful possibilities!"Eva Lee
The book will help give you positive insights into whatever circumstance you find yourself in, helping you to stay focused and positive in whatever situation you find your self in!
The Sat Nav Guide To Your Soul
There are times when we all need help and direction in our lives and this book is an invaluable manual that helps you return to, and reconnect with your life's purpose!
*Hypnosis like all holistic and allopathic treatments may not benefit or be effective for everyone!